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Ioana Gavrilescu (Junior Analyst)


Andrei completed an internship as a Junior Analyst at BluCP in Bucharest.

How did you get to join BCP?

I joined BCP as an analyst when I graduated from my bachelor's degree. Looking to gain work experience in investment banking, BCP attracted my interest because of its team - professional yet personable and with a great work culture, a balance which is often hard to strike.

What is the most fulfilling part of your job?

The brainstorming sessions - being pushed to thinking outside the box and more importantly, having a chance to implement the ideas you come up with. It is incredible to be given a chance to make real impact as an analyst and motivates you to improve every step of the way.

What advice would you share with someone considering a career with BCP?

It is a great opportunity to learn so ask as many questions as you can - the mentorship is something you need to make the most of at BCP. I felt I was able to learn a lot from the team; they are great at teaching and it is a central part of the culture.

What do you think is unique about BCP?

The people make the difference - it is a team you will be proud to be a part of. You are involved in every step of the transaction process, you are entrusted with responsibility from day-1 and the team is there to guide you whenever you need it. It is an energetic and collaborative culture which will motivate you and where you feel like your work truly matters.  

What did you do after BCP and how did your role BCP help in your career?

I left BCP because I had received a full scholarship to study the MSc Finance program at Bocconi University, after which I joined Blackstone as an analyst in the Real Estate Acquisitions team in London.