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Teodora Tricotache (Analyst)

Teodora is an Investment Banking Analyst at BluCP in Bucharest.

How did you get to join BCP?

After graduating from my bachelor's degree, I was seeking career opportunities back at home in the financial sector. I was surprised to find an internship opportunity at an independent investment banking boutique firm in Romania. Hence, after passing several rounds of interviews and completing a case study, I became part of what I call ""my second family"". The internship period was a valuable experience for me, being exposed to client projects and having to assume responsibility for my tasks from day 1. Having achieved established goals, I am now working as a full-time Analyst in the Bucharest office.

What is the most fulfilling part of your job?

There is a certain rush when I start my mornings -  everyday I get to positively contribute to the success of our clients and our firm through conducting relevant analyses, participating in client discussions and overseeing operational activities. Task assignment rotation allows me to take part and have a complete view of all the projects that the firm is engaged with. My input is always requested and valued - we have a team player approach to culture and everyone is encouraged to put in 100%. This is what truly distinguishes BCP from other firms: everyone has a voice and decisions are always made collaboratively. What is more, our agile way of working provides us with the possibility to respond to client needs in real time.

What advice would you share with someone considering a career with BCP?

Ask questions early and be as involved as possible. Seek a mentor. I was fortunate enough to have my colleague, Alex Staicu, as my guide to breaking into investment banking and understanding my responsibilities. Don't be afraid to speak up and provide input, if valuable - we achieve the best fit with those players that show initiative and dedication. Most importantly, make life-long friends.

What do you think is unique about BCP?

Definitely the ""team"" feeling. I was lucky enough to find my best friends within the firm, people I look up to and from whom I have a lot to learn. I appreciate the knowledge sharing mechanisms put in place and the moments of laugh we share together at all times. It's such a warm environment - I feel supported, cherished and uplifted everyday, encouraged to become my best self on both a professional and personal level.